When to Hire a Workers’ Comp Attorney

If you have been in an accident while at work, you may want to contact a worker’s compensation lawyer. The right lawyer will help you get what you are entitled to in terms of medical bills, lost wages, and disability pay. It might be a great idea to work with a workers’ compensation attorney if you are in the following situations:

You Have a Serious Injury

For on-the-job injuries that require a long period of treatment, you will need a significant amount of compensation to cover the damages. And this requires you to contact a lawyer to ensure you get the compensation you deserve to cover your expenses. If the accident has seriously impaired you and prevented you from returning to work, you may be entitled to get weekly payments from the insurance company of your employer. Richmond Workers’ Compensation Lawyers can help you get the money you need immediately to make sure your bills are paid on time. Also, they can help get your ongoing bills that your insurance does not fully cover to your employer, so you don’t have to use your own money to pay them. 

You Experience Retaliation from your Employer

Some employers may retaliate against employees who file workers’ compensation and demote them, give them fewer hours, or even ask them to resign. But, employers are not legally permitted to respond to a legitimate claim in this way. Your attorney can defend you when you experience workplace retaliation.

Your Employer Rejects your Claim

Your employer may deny your claim and hope you will not appeal. An experienced workers’ comp lawyer will often start with a free consultation, so you don’t make upfront payment when you try to know if you have a case. The attorney can inform you how to go about getting the right amount of compensation for your work-related injuries. They will appeal your case until a fair settlement is agreed upon.

Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.