Symptoms of Email Apnea and why it is Dangerous

Have you ever experienced a shortage of breath while you’re working with your computer? Did you experience a problem breathing while reading an email? If you work with email, in that case, such a situation is most likely to occur. If you are wondering what exactly it is all about, then it is a situation where your normal breathing process gets disrupted for a couple of seconds, which could result in a hold of breath. So, next time if you experience a shortage of breath while you are reading emails, then make no mistake that you are suffering from email apnea. This is a condition, where the emotions get triggered very high while you are reading an email. At times the situation gets so intense that it forces you to hold on to your breath for a certain length of time. According to experts, if it keeps on happening over and over again, then after a certain point, it could result in something very fatal and severe. It can end up affecting your heart, your nervous system, and result in various physiological disorders. Besides, email apnea might result in mental problems as well.

Why is email apnea a dangerous phenomenon? 

When holding of breath becomes a norm for you, in that case, it disrupts your healthy breathing cycle and pattern. Your lungs do not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and can start showing signs of different kinds of issues. When your lungs do not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, they won’t be able to release enough toxins and carbon dioxide which get accumulated in your cells. When you do not have a sufficient amount of oxygen in your blood, it can make you feel weak or tired and also affect the immune system of your body. It makes you feel stressed out and it can also affect your nervous system. For those who think that holding breath for a couple of seconds is not a big deal, they need to understand that it is not a one-time process. It happens every single time you are reading an email or working with your computer, and the process continues. If it is allowed to continue, in that case, it can result in different kinds of physiological as well as psychological issues. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to your breathing pattern and see if your breath is getting held up. If it is, in that case, there is no need to panic. There are certain measures and practices which can help you recover from this condition.

What are the symptoms of email apnea? 

There are a couple of symptoms that should raise red flags for you. There as follows

  • After a session with your computer, you’d start feeling extremely tired and exhausted.
  • You might also experience a drastic change in your mood, which could turn from good to bad.
  • Experiencing a loss of concentration and poor memory is another telling sign of email apnea.
  • Do you wake up with a dry or sore throat? If you do, in that case, you are suffering from this condition.

Apart from these, there are various other kinds of physical conditions like irritability, headache, low libido and others are symptoms of email apnea. Besides, as mentioned, email apnea can also affect your mental conditions. Signs like anxiety, depression are also indicative of the fact that you have been affected by this condition.

As mentioned, there are ways to tackle this condition. One of the most important steps is to make sure that you are aware of it. Next time you are working on your laptop reading emails or any other document, make sure that you paid attention to your breathing pattern. Besides, practicing regular breathing exercises can also help you control this condition.


Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.