Steps that Victims of Workplace Discrimination or Harassment can Take

Workplace discrimination and harassment can take different forms. Federal laws prohibit discrimination and harassment against people based on color, race, sex, religion, national origin, age, pregnancy, and other classifications. Local and state laws may contain similar protections. Employees who feel they are being discriminated against or harassed by coworkers or employers should contact one of the best employment lawyers charlotte nc to know their legal rights and options. A good attorney will help victims get the justice and compensation they deserve. They will work with the client every step of the way. The following are some steps victims of workplace discrimination and harassment can take:

Review the Anti-Discrimination Policy of their Company

This policy may be contained in the employee handbook or manual or posted somewhere in the plant or office. Victims who have a copy of the policy in a handbook or other handout should retain a copy of it. An employment attorney can review the policy to determine if the harasser has violated it. 

Report the Discrimination or Harassment

Victims of discrimination or harassment in the workplace must make their employer aware that they feel they are being discriminated against or harassed by reporting to the immediate supervisor, manager, or human resources department. A lot of employers have designated particular managerial or human resources personnel to accept complaints of discrimination and harassment. These illegal acts can continue and go unpunished because the victim does not make it clear that the conduct is not acceptable and welcome.  

Contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

This step should be taken if the employee fails to get a response from their boss regarding their complaint. The employee can also go to their state fair employment practices agency. By getting these agencies involved, they may get somebody’s attention quickly. When the victim contacts these agencies, they should also seek help from an attorney to ensure their rights are protected.

Be Aware of the Time Limits

Victims of harassment and discrimination in the workplace have a limited amount of time to file a charge with the EEOC or with the state or local fair employment practices agency or vindicate their rights in court. Failing to assert their rights within these limitations or filing periods will risk having their case dismissed at the outset. This is one of the main reasons they must retain an attorney to help them gather all the necessary documents for the filing and file their complaints on time. 

Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.