Selecting the Right Skirting Board Material for Your Home

4 ways skirting boards can enhance interior design - e-architect
Skirting boards are an essential part of any room. They not only protect your walls from scratches and damage but also add a decorative touch to your interior. However, skirting boards require maintenance in order to remain in good condition. In this guide, we will cover the essential steps to maintain your
skirting board covers and keep them looking great for years to come.


Step 1: Cleaning the skirting boards

It is important to regularly clean your skirting boards to keep them looking their best. You can use a soft cloth or a soft-bristled brush to remove dust and dirt from the skirting boards. You can also use a mild cleaner and warm water to remove any stubborn stains. However, avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that can cause damage to the skirting boards.


Step 2: Touching up paint

Over time, skirting boards may get scratched or chipped, leaving unsightly marks. Touching up the paint is an effective way to maintain the skirting boards. It is recommended to use the same type of paint that was used to paint the skirting boards originally. You can either use a brush or a roller to apply the paint. Make sure to apply a thin layer and allow it to dry completely before applying another coat.


Step 3: Filling in gaps

Skirting boards can become loose or develop gaps between the skirting and the wall. This can be due to natural expansion and contraction of the materials or as a result of structural issues. It is essential to fill in these gaps to prevent debris from building up and creating a breeding ground for pests. A gap sealant or an acrylic sealant is ideal for filling in gaps between the skirting and the wall.


Step 4: Replacing damaged skirting boards

In some cases, skirting boards may become too damaged to repair. In such instances, it is best to replace the damaged skirting boards. You can either purchase new skirting boards or opt for a similar style and design that matches your existing skirting boards. You can hire a professional to install the new skirting boards or do the installation yourself if you have the necessary skills.


Step 5: Preventative maintenance

Preventative maintenance is important to keep your skirting boards in good condition. Here are some tips you can follow:

Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals on your skirting boards.

Keep the skirting boards away from direct sunlight and moisture to prevent damage.

Regularly inspect your skirting boards for signs of damage or wear and tear.

Consider placing furniture pads on the bottom of furniture legs to prevent scratches and scuffs on the skirting boards.



In summary, skirting board maintenance is a crucial aspect of maintaining your home’s interior. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can keep your skirting boards in great shape for years to come. Remember to clean your skirting boards regularly, touch up paint, fill in gaps, replace damaged skirting boards when necessary, and take preventative measures to protect your skirting boards. With proper maintenance, your skirting boards can remain a decorative and functional feature of your home.

Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.