How to Prepare for Hurricane Season and Potential Water Damage

Antique furniture adds elegance and charm to any home – they’re a testament to the artistic ability of skilled craftsmen. However, their beauty also makes them vulnerable to water damage. Whether it is from floods, leaky pipes, or accidental spills, water damage can quickly ruin an antique piece if left unchecked. If you have a treasured antique that has suffered water damage restorations, don’t lose hope – this guide will walk you through the steps for restoring your antique furniture to its former glory.

Assess the Damage and Take Precautions

The first step to restoring your antique furniture is to determine the extent of the damage. Carefully inspect the piece for any cracks, splits, or water stains. If your furniture has been submerged in water, it is important to act fast to prevent any further damage. Turn off the power to the room and wear protective gear like gloves and goggles before handling the furniture. Remove any surface water with dry towels and, if possible, move the piece to a dry area.

Dry the Furniture Thoroughly

The next step is to dry the antique furniture thoroughly. Use fans and dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture from the air. If necessary, you may need to remove any upholstery or padding to access the internal structure. Ensure that the piece has completely dried before proceeding to the next step.

Clean the Furniture

Once the piece is dry, it is time to clean it. Use a specialty wood cleaner to remove any mold or mildew that may have formed on the surface. This is particularly important when dealing with antique furniture since harsh chemicals can damage the delicate finish. Be sure to take your time and work gently to avoid causing any further damage.

Repair the Damage

After cleaning, it’s time to repair any damage to the piece. This step requires the skills of a professional restorer, particularly if the damage is severe. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace a damaged component or rebuild parts of the structure. If the piece has warped or distorted due to the water damage, it may need to be clamped and dried slowly to restore its shape. The restoration process can be lengthy, but the end result will be worth it.

Refinish the Piece

Finally, it’s time to refinish the piece. This step involves sanding, staining, and polishing the surface to restore its original luster. This is another step that requires the skills of a professional restorer. Refinishing too aggressively can cause problems further down the line. Your restorer will use a combination of hand techniques and modern tools to achieve a flawless finish that will protect your antique for years to come.


Restoring antique furniture damaged by water can be a daunting task, but with the help of a professional restorer, it is often possible to salvage the piece. If you have a cherished antique that has suffered water damage, take action immediately. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to get your furniture back to its former glory. Remember, antique pieces often hold great sentimental and financial value, so it’s always worth seeking professional help to preserve their beauty.

Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.