Filing a sexual harassment case in NY: Things to know!

Unfortunately, sexual harassment at workplace is quite common. According to the New York State Human Rights Laws, an employer can be held responsible for sexual harassment, if the harassment was a fault of a co-owner, supervisor, or manager. In case an employee has suffered sexual harassment because of another employee, the employer can be held responsible if they knew of the same or failed to act on the complaint. All workplaces need to have a clear and transparent sexual harassment policy in place. 

If you believe that you have suffered sexual harassment, you may consider seeking legal help. Victims often do not file a complaint, because they fear retaliation from the employer. Talking to one of Queens sexual harassment lawyers can help you determine the right course of action. 

Understanding sexual harassment

It is a common myth that sexual harassment only happens to women, or there has to be physical touch to establish the complaint. In fact, the scope of sexual harassment is huge. Examples include asking for sexual favor or dates, passing lewd remarks about a person’s appearance or sex, and sharing pornographic material. Typically, such cases arise from a position of power, which is also the reason why victims fear filing a complaint, because they don’t want to lose their job or face unwanted scrutiny at the workplace.  

Why would you need a sexual harassment attorney?

  1. Because you don’t know you rights. One of the first reasons why you need a lawyer for your sexual harassment case is to know your rights. You need to know the exact things that you should do, and if you haven’t filed a complaint with your employer or placement agency so far, your lawyer will guide you on that. 
  2. Because you want to be sure. Sometimes, filing a sexual harassment case may not be as easy, because you have to prove things. An experienced lawyer can change the course of your case, by suggesting the right steps. For instance, you can choose to report the matter to NY Department of Human Rights.
  3. Because getting a settlement is not easy. This is another reason to hire a sexual harassment lawyer. If the negotiation with your employer doesn’t go through and there is no hope for a fair settlement, your lawyer will take things to court to ensure there is a fair trial.

Talk to a known sexual harassment lawyer in Queens to know your rights and case better. 

Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.