Benefits of hiring a workers’ compensation attorney in VA

For the unversed, workers’ compensation is no-fault insurance in Virginia, which means that an injured worker is entitled to benefits, even when the accident was partly their mistake. While workers’ compensation is meant to be beneficial for workers, and it surely is, injured workers cannot sue their employers in Virginia. If you don’t understand the insurance and benefits, working with a Richmond workers’ compensation attorney can be really beneficial. In this post, we are sharing more on the advantages of having an attorney for your case. 

  1. You get an evaluation of your claim, often for free. Many law firms that have experienced workers’ compensation attorneys often offer the first consultation for free. You can talk to their lawyers to know your case better and what your claim is truly worth. 
  2. They will handle the paperwork. You need an attorney to ensure that your claim is filed properly, and all relevant paperwork is done accordingly. With an attorney, you don’t have to worry about expensive mistakes. 
  3. Get a fair settlement. Insurance adjusters want to settle the claim as soon as possible, and reduce their liability. In other words, they are not working in your interest. With an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, you know that you are not settling for anything less than you deserve.
  4. Knowing the laws. Another advantage of having legal assistance is to know the workers’ compensation laws. You can find more on where you stand with your claim, if your employer has worked unfairly and what you can expect with regards to compensation. With the right team of legal experts, you are not an unaware worker anymore. 
  5. Get all answers. What happens if your claim is denied? How do you deal with the appeal? Firstly, is there a chance that your claim can be denied? Are your injuries likely to impact your life ahead? If yes, what should be the ideal compensation amount? A workers’ compensation attorney will answer all these questions and more, depending on your circumstances. 

Check online now to find more on workers’ compensation attorneys in VA, and don’t forget to insist on a personal meeting. 

Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.