2 Ways To Relieve Your Dog’s Pain At Home

No matter how hard we work to avoid it, it’s common for our dogs to experience some pain and discomfort occasionally in their lives. And, while our dogs can’t talk, we can still monitor the signs and symptoms they will exhibit when they are in pain. If your dog is reluctant to move,limping or favouring one leg over the rest when he walks, it can be a direct sign that he is in pain. Some older dogs will even display certain behavioural issues such as aggressiveness towards their owners or other dogs when they are in pain. If this continues to happen, even after their pain has been remedied, it could be time to see the residential dog training Sheffield professionals at Dog Harmony for help.

Causes Of Your Dog’s Pain

There are a wide range of causes for your dog’s pain and the most common oneisarthritis. Canine Arthritis causes a severe reduction of the protective cartilage in your dog’s joints. When you combine that with wear and tearmost dogs experience in their joints, you might also find that your dog is suffering from inflammation and chronic pain. Some older dogs may also have vertebrae fusing (spondylosis), pinched nerves or compressed discs, while younger dogs will typically experience inflamed skin and chronic allergies that could be causing them both discomfort and pain.

There are many natural methods that dog owners can try to help alleviate their dog’s pain. These include:

Licorice-licorice is effective for managing arthritis-related pain. To use licorice for your dog’s pain, simply boil one teaspoon of licorice root with some fresh water. Give licorice to your dog only for two weeks and consult a holistic vet if you want to use it longer.

Valerian- valerian is remarkably effective at managing sudden pain and muscle spasms in your dog. Give your dog 0.1ml per 10lbs of body weight of valerian orally twice a day. Valerian is a safe, natural pain reliever that can be used by both dogs and people to manage pain.

Contact Dog Harmony

To learn more ways to relieve your dog’s pain at home, contact Dog Harmony today and speak to an expert residential dog training Sheffield dog trainer who can help train your dog to be easier to manage and a lot more fun.

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Ted Rosenberg

David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.